Bo has requested, and the Board of Directors have agreed, to provide a sticky thread dealing with outstanding orders.

All of us in the 2.3T community are aware of the issues surrounding Bo's shop over the last several years. This thread will not become a rehash of those issues, and, in fact, we will delete any content that tends to want to beat that horse and assign infractions, if necessary.

Our goal is to help get everyone the products they have purchased and facilitate the communication to do so. We hope this will be a service to our membership, however, if it becomes a $hit storm, we'll close it down. There are certainly many people that have waited a long time for their products and deposited significant sums of money. Emotions are understandably hot and heavy. However, it's our intent to facilitate communication in a business like manner.

In doing this, the Board is NOT taking on the responsibility of note-taking and/or guaranteeing the completion of orders. That is Bo's responsibility.

If you have any concerns, please pm me.

Bob Holmes