Many may not have heard, but Bob passed on April 11th while his lovely wife Carolan was recovering from bypass surgery. Carolan is now home and doing well with the recovery from her surgery. Bob's family mentioned that Bob passed away in the night time. "He was comfortable and not in any pain".
For many years many within the SVO community had the pleasure of dealing with Bob Tweedy. Without him we might have had a struggle with getting proper leather repairs for out shifters, steering wheels, horn pads, & shift boots. For those of you that were ever lucky enough to purchase a recovered leather shift knob, steering wheel, horn pad, &/or shift boot likely had the pleasure of doing business with Bob Tweedy. He was well known among the SVO crowd & very well respected by many. If you had the honor & pleasure to actually meet Bob, you were rewarded with many great stories of Mustangs including SVOs as well as some great stories from his honorable USAF career. He was also a retired USAF vet. Here's to honoring 1ST SGT Tweedy who's finally able to rest peacefully.